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Falcon Age Cheats For PlayStation 4

falcon age|

Falcon Age is an action-adventure game for PlayStation 4 that takes you on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion. The game puts you in the role of Ara, a young woman who is struggling against an oppressive force that has taken over her home planet. As Ara learns to become a master falconer, she unites with her loyal battle-companion to take back what was taken from her people. With this guide, we’ll provide you with some helpful Falcon Age cheats for PS4 to get you through this thrilling adventure.

One of the most useful cheats in Falcon Age is the ability to reset your current level. You can do this by pressing and holding the R1 button while on the main screen. This will reset the level and allow you to start again from the beginning. It’s an especially useful cheat if you get stuck or just want to replay certain levels without having to restart the entire game.

Another cheat that can help you out in Falcon Age is the inclusion of special items. Throughout the game, you’ll come across items like special feathers, healing herbs, and even abilities like wall climbing and double jumps. Using these items can give you an edge in combat or puzzle solving, so make sure to keep an eye out for them as you play.

You can also use cheats to increase your falcon’s health, damage, and other stats. To do this, press and hold the Triangle button while you’re on the main menu. This will bring up a menu where you can adjust your falcon’s stats. Be careful not to get too carried away, though; increasing your falcon’s stats too much could make the game too easy and take away from the challenge.

You can also exploit the environment in Falcon Age to gain an advantage. For example, you can use environmental hazards like pits, fires, or water to your advantage in combat. You can also use objects like rocks, oil barrels, and explosive barrels to defeat enemies. Just remember to use caution when using these tricks, as they can quickly turn the tables on you if used improperly.

Finally, there are a few ways to quickly get through certain areas in Falcon Age. If you’re ever stuck in a puzzle room or area, you can use the “skip” command to instantly move on. Additionally, you can save time by using shortcuts to get around the map quickly. Just be aware that these shortcuts may require you to have certain abilities unlocked.

With these Falcon Age cheats for PlayStation 4, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master falconer and defeating the oppressive forces of your home planet. So go out there, explore the world, and find the strength within yourself to bring freedom back to your people. Good luck!

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